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2. Add your shipping details.

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3. Confirm order

Our shopping cart software will calculate the total cost of your products. You simply need to confirm your order and it will be emailed directly to us. Someone will then contact you with details of how to pay.

Please note - overseas orders will be subject to shipping costs. Call us for details, or we will call you to confirm once an order has been placed.

Alternatively, give us a call on 01708 620 446 and we can take your order over the phone.

If you prefer you can also print your order form and send it to us by post.

G. I. Barnett & Son Limited, 6 Tadworth Parade, Hornchurch, Essex RM12 5AS
T : 01708 620 446   -   F : 01708 437 186   -   -    © 2005 G. I. Barnett & Son Limited
Natural Graphic A Natural website